Jacques BONTE - an Xpert



  • My expertise allow me to bring answers to your question : How to make a treatment efficient? 1.patient journey analysis and identification of differences between the « ideal journey» and reality 2. Understanding the reasons for thoses differences 3. Co-constructive solutions to reduce defaults of the journey.

    Benefits of such approach : 1. increasing the efficiency of the proposed treatment 2. strengthening of the product and the laboratory image 3.development of a strong relationship between your company and healthcare professionals 4.more chance for the patient 5. and generally, a saving for the healthcare community

  • Convergence for the patient, focused on customer and on result, polo enthusiast
  • Patients Programme ,
    Health strategy France,
    Global health strategy,
    Patient journey analysis and implementation of solutions to improve its efficiency
  • France
  • 35 years experience
  • English – French
  • Industry pharmacist, ESCP Pharmaceutical Marketing
  • 250€ / hour HT
  • 2000€ HT / day
  • Updated ago 1 year
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  1. care pathway analysis and co-construction solutions: is to identify the differences between the theoretical course (HAS recommendation) and the practical reality; then highlight the underlying causes; Finally, co-build with health professionals in the field of solutions for reducing disparities.
  2. Using the NPS (Net Promoter Score) to understand the perceived benefit of treatment by the patient: NPS evaluates customer engagement for a service or product, here sick for a therapeutic solution.
  3. Construction, implementation and support Patient Management Program (PSP): After analyzing the reality of the path of the sick and identifying the difficulties encountered, construction of a support program (blueprint, documentary elements, use of different communication channels) then management implementation.

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