valerian CARIOU - an Xpert



  • My daily life : meet the challenges with innovative tools !

    Expertise : environmental communication , product communication , design with images or video animation (from storyboard to finalisation through the management of the movie director, shooting and editing), animation of booths for congresses, design of PR programs, KOL management, creating training programs (Professional developement, e-learning, rapid or serious game), Copywriting for digital promotional tools (displays, emailings), press release or infographics and animated PPT

    Targets : health professionals, patients, general public

    Experience : Writing in French and English (am now with one foot in London and one in Paris)

    Key attributes : rigor, meeting deadlines, pro-active, reactivity, dynamism and creativity !

  • Always creative in combining science and writing !
  • Non promotional medical communication,
    Promotional health communication,
    Medical copywriting,
    Health events,
    Management of medical leaders,
    Health audiovisual production
  • French
  • 12 years experience
  • English – French
  • DEA Genetics / Master Letters / PhD in Ldn
  • 150/HT hour
  • 1000/HT day
  • Updated ago 2 years
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