Joelle PARRY - an Xpert



  • Writer / Bilingual health journalist / Communication project coordinator

    Franco-British, I support businesses, associations and research organizations in the creation of health communication tools for promotional purposes (institution, products) or educational, international or local in scope :

    Content creation :

    Conducting interviews, documentary research

    Analysis and synthesis of information

    Conception and writing of articles in English or French (newsletters, blogs), the brochures, reports, pages web, press releases and kits, white papers…

    Translation into simple words of complex scientific or medical topics (“popularization”)

    Animation site web / social networks

    Coordination of videos of opinion leaders, from script to editing

    Coordination de l’organisation de colloques scientifiques ou autres types d’événements

    Targets : health professionals, patients, general public, acteurs de la recherche, médias

    Domaines déjà abordés : cancers, leptospirose, mucoviscidose, fertility, hépatites, sepsis, infections respiratoires, maladies cardiaques, thrombose veineuse, embolie pulmonaire, insuffisance rénale aigüe, tuberculosis, dengue, chikungunya, antibiorésistance …

    Vaccination, prevention, dépistage, diagnostic, traitement

  • Curious, attentive and rigorous – Let’s give meaning to your communication !
  • Internal communication – HR – RSE- Patronage,
    Non promotional medical communication,
    Promotional health communication,
    Medical copywriting,
    Digital marketing,
    Health events,
    Public relations
  • UK, France
  • 25 years experience
  • English – French – German – Spanish
  • ESCP Business School, Institut d’études du développement de la Sorbonne
  • 150/HT hour
  • 1100/HT day
  • Updated ago 1 year
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